Product Updates

Here are the latest product updates. If you have feedback or suggestions, please reach out — we'd love to hear from you!

November 1, 2023

Custom contact email address for customer notifications

By default, the Shopify sender email configured in your Shopify Settings will appear as the contact email at the bottom of your notification emails, and will be the address that any customer replies to your notifications will be sent.

We've added a new setting allowing you to change the contact and reply-to email that's used for your customer notification emails:

  1. From EasyRoutes Settings > Notifications tab, scroll down to the Branding section.
  2. From the Contact email subsection, select the checkbox for "Use custom contact email" and input the desired contact and reply-to email address:

October 27, 2023

Route start/end improvements; new print & filter options

Route Start & End Updates:

We've added a new setting that requires drivers to start a route before they can update the status on any of the route's stops. This setting helps ensure any Out for Delivery notifications (if sent to customers when a route is started) are triggered before orders can be marked as attempted or delivered.

The setting can be enabled from EasyRoutes Settings > Driver settings, under the Driver app settings section:

When this setting is enabled, the Delivery Driver app will display a warning, and all "Mark as..." buttons will be inaccessible until the "Start Delivery" button for the route has been tapped:

We've also added both Start and End locations as individual entries within a route:

Additionally, End locations can now independently be marked as Complete within the Delivery Driver app, indicating the precise time and location - including time spent navigating to the end location - a route is completed:

When combined, these entries and additional "Marked as" action better illustrate the overall structure of a route, and allow for more detailed analysis of total route duration once a route is complete.

Route Printing Options:

We've enabled some additional options to configure what's displayed on printed Packing Slips and Packing Labels. These settings can be enabled from EasyRoutes Settings > Packing slips and labels, under the Packing slip options and Packing label options sections.

  • Weight: Individual item weights (Item weight) and total order weights (Total weight, Order item weight) can now be displayed on printed Packing Slips and Packing Labels.
  • SKU: Individual item SKUs (Item SKU) can now be displayed on printed Packing Slips, as well as when printing Inventory, or List of stops with Items included.

Filter View Improvements:

Comma-separated lists of postal and ZIP codes can now be added when using Filter views on the Orders page - particularly useful when sorting by large, specific sets of postal or ZIP codes. We've also improved filtering behaviour to better support filtering by postal codes, regardless of whether they contain spaces or not.

Delivery Driver App - Version 1.0.32:

We've released an update to the EasyRoutes Delivery Driver app, including the features described above, various bug fixes, and app performance improvements. Drivers will need to update to the latest version of the app (v1.0.32) in order to take advantage of the latest features and improvements.

October 17, 2023

New Edit Stop Items panel for individual stops

We've added a new "Edit stop items" panel, making it easier to cancel fulfillments, select multiple fulfillments for a stop, or mix and match fulfillments with unfulfilled items for a particular stop.

You can access the new panel by clicking the dropdown arrow under the "Items" column for any stop on a route:

This will open a panel displaying all items associated with this stop, including those that are currently unfulfilled and scheduled - click the pencil icon in the top right corner to launch the Edit stop items panel:

From the Edit stop items panel, use the checkboxes to the left of each individual fulfillment to select which items should be included in this stop, and click Apply to save your changes.

If you need to cancel a previous fulfillment (such as #1355.1 shown above), click the three dots icon to the right of its title, and select "Cancel fulfillment":

October 12, 2023

Plan new routes using the minimum number of drivers required

We've enabled a new Route Option that allows for planning new routes using the fewest number of drivers required. You can find this new option under the "How many routes?" Route Option panel, which has been visually updated to reflect this new setting:

Selecting this option before route creation will generate the minimum number of routes possible, while still taking into account any duration, stop count, item count, or weight limits applied via other Route Options. As such, the minimize drivers route option requires at least one of Max route duration, Max stops per route, and/or Max items per route to be enabled in order to properly calculate any limits of a planned route.

Note: The minimize drivers option is only available when creating new routes, and is not currently supported for existing routes that have already been created.

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