Product Updates

Here are the latest product updates. If you have feedback or suggestions, please reach out — we'd love to hear from you!

July 4, 2024

Delivery Driver mobile app version 1.0.45

Version 1.0.45 of the EasyRoutes Delivery Driver mobile app is now available to download for iOS and Android. This release largely consists of minor improvements and bug fixes. Users should not experience any noticeable impact when interacting with the app compared to the previous version.

July 3, 2024

Proof of Delivery now available on printed packing slips

We've added three new options for printing packing slips, allowing users to include any of three different proof of delivery items (photos, signature, and/or driver note) on packing slips when available, particularly useful when packing slips are used as a post-delivery confirmation document. Enable these new variables directly from the Print Preview menu:

June 26, 2024

New feature - Archived routes

We've added the ability to mark any routes as Archived, ensuring your Routes Page contains only the routes you still need to work with. Any routes that have been archived will be hidden from view to better organize the Routes Page, but remain fully accessible for future review or record keeping using filter controls.

From the Routes Page, use the checkboxes to select any route(s) you'd like to archive. Click the More actions button from the menu that appears at the bottom of the page, and select Archive routes:

Once archived, routes will no longer display on the Routes Page by default. To review routes that have been archived, click the Add filter button at the top of the Routes Page, and select Archived - this will give you the option to display just Archived routes, just Unarchived routes, or All routes to display both types. When viewing All, routes that have been archived will display with a grey background (see the middle three routes below) to differentiate them from unarchived routes:

Routes can be unarchived by applying the All or Archived filter, then using the checkboxes to select routes for unarchiving. Once selected, click the More actions button from the menu that appears at the bottom of the page, and select Unarchive routes:

June 26, 2024

New CSV import order variables

We've enabled three new variables that can now be included in CSV spreadsheets before importing orders into EasyRoutes:

  • Stop time: Include this column in your CSV file to automatically assign a time per stop to any imported orders. Numerical values required, value is in minutes.
  • Latitude & Longitude: Include both of these columns in your CSV file to automatically pinpoint a stop's location using precise lat/long values, particularly useful for orders or locations where accurate geolocation is not always reliable. Both latitude and longitude values (in decimal degrees format) are required to set the geolocation for an imported stop. See this Google support article for best practices on accessing and formatting lat/long coordinates.
"I was tired of getting the "Any idea when your driver will get here?" text messages from our wholesale clients. This app takes care of that issue and then some!"
Bliss Artisan
Ice cream delivery in Indiana 🇺🇸
Designed to make deliveries easy