
Here are the latest product updates from If you have feedback or suggestions, please reach out — we'd love to hear from you!

We've added a new level of detail to priority stops, allowing route planners to apply any of three priority levels to stops in a route:

  • High Priority: Stops marked as high priority will be the first to be included when planning routes.
  • Standard Priority: Stops marked as standard will be prioritized for routing after stops marked as high priority, and before stops marked as low priority. This is the default priority value of all stops unless otherwise modified.
  • Low Priority: Stops marked as low priority will be included in planned routes only once high and standard priority stops have already been accommodated.

Priority statuses can be particularly useful when routes are constrained (including limits like max items per route or max route duration) and certain stops require more urgent delivery than others.

Set a stop's priority level from the Add Stop or Edit Stop menus, under the Additional options panel:

You can also apply a High Priority status for a number of stops at once using the checkboxes on any Route page:

After making any changes to priority statuses, be sure to click Save at the top of the page to commit any changes to the route.

Low or High priority status can also be automatically applied to stops as soon as they're added to a route using EasyRoutes' order automation rules. Configure automation rule settings from your EasyRoutes Settings > General tab, under the Advanced order automation rules section:

For full details on working with priority stops to streamline your route planning workflows, see the support article for this feature.

We've added a new Stops tab to Route Groups, providing an at-a-glance summary of all stops contained in a group, and making it easier to perform bulk actions on multiple stops within the group at once.

When viewing the "All routes" page of any existing route group, access the Stops tab to see a complete list of stops across all routes contained within the current group:

Use the checkboxes to select stop(s) from any route within the group. From the menu that appears at the bottom of the list, use the Send to route action to move the selected stop(s) to a new or existing route; use the Remove stops action to remove the selected stop(s) from the current route and route group; or, use the Reject stops action to remove the selected stop(s) from the current route, and move them to the group's Rejected stops tab for further review:

After performing any bulk actions, be sure to click Save at the top of the page to commit any changes to the route group.

We've enabled the ability to add a stop note to multiple stops in a route in bulk.

When viewing a route, use the checkboxes to select any stops you want to add a stop note to - note that this action will overwrite any existing stop notes associated with the selected stops. From the menu that appears at the bottom of the screen, click the More Actions button (three dots icon) and select Edit stop notes:

Input any required stop note information into the modal that pops up, and click Save:

Click Save again at the top of the page to commit these changes to the route.

For full details on all available EasyRoutes actions that can be performed on multiple routes or stops at once, see the support article for bulk actions. Additional details on adding and modifying multiple types of notes for a stop can also be found in the stop notes support article.

We've added the ability to apply a delivery status (i.e. Mark as Ready for delivery, Mark as Delivered, etc.) to multiple stops in a route in bulk.

When viewing a route, use the checkboxes to select any stops you'd like to update the delivery status for; click the More actions button from the menu that appears at the bottom of the page, and select the delivery status you'd like to apply to these stops:

If you've enabled EasyRoutes customer notifications, you'll be prompted with the option to send the notification associated with this delivery status:

Note: Depending on your EasyRoutes settings, marking stops with any status in bulk may also trigger a Shopify order fulfillment. Configure which delivery statuses will automatically fulfill a Shopify order from your EasyRoutes Settings > General tab, within the Fulfillment options section.

We've made several improvements to rejected stop workflows, making it easier to access, manage, and resolve any issues preventing stops from being successfully routed - including support for combined rejected stop functionality for Route Groups.

EasyRoutes will continue to notify users of any rejected stops on route creation with a banner at the top of the Route Page. Click into the Rejected stops tab to see these stops and the reason for their rejection:


  • Individual stops on a route can now be manually rejected, effectively removing them from their current route and sending them to that route's Rejected stops tab for further, centralized review. Use the checkboxes to select stop(s) for rejection, and select Reject stops from the More actions button that appears at the bottom of the page:
  • Stops can also be manually rejected individually from the Actions column (far right-hand side) for any stop within the route table:
  • More of a visual planner? Click any stop's pin directly on the map, then click the Actions button - select Reject stop from the menu that pops up:
  • When working with Route Groups, stops that have been rejected from any route belonging to a group are now listed together; their stop pins will display in a grey colour on the map (alongside the group's multi-coloured route lines) for quick visual inspection. Note that you must be accessing the All routes view for a group, as opposed to any of the individual views for the routes contained in that group:
  • Click any grey pin on the map and access the Actions button to select Edit stop and make any necessary changes. Alternatively, use the Actions button (three dots icon) on the far right-hand side of any stop in the route table to select Edit stop and make required changes.
  • Once you're satisfied with any changes, use the checkboxes to select which stops you'd like to add back to a route, and click the Add to route button that appears at the bottom of the page:
  • You'll be presented with a dropdown menu to select which route within the current group you'd like the stop(s) to be added back into. Select your preferred route, click Add, and be sure to use the Save button at the top of the page to confirm your changes:

Driver Tasks added to saved stops are now stored in the Address Book entry for affected stops, meaning that these tasks will persist on any route a saved stop is added to any time in the future.

Access the Edit stop menu item for any saved stop on your Orders Page:

Scroll down to the bottom of the Edit saved stop page, and add/edit task details within the Driver tasks card:

Click the Update button at the top of the page to save your changes.

Any tasks saved in this manner will persist across all future routes this saved stop is added to. If future routes have additional Driver Tasks added at the route level, tasks saved to the Address Book will be differentiated with a Custom task banner as shown below:

For full details on enabling, adding, and editing Driver Tasks on your stops and routes, see the support article for this feature.

Version 1.0.45 of the EasyRoutes Delivery Driver mobile app is now available to download for iOS and Android devices. This release largely consists of minor backend improvements and bug fixes. Users should not experience any noticeable impact when interacting with the app compared to the previous version.

We've added three new options for printing packing slips, allowing users to include any of three different proof of delivery items (photos, signature, and/or driver note) on packing slips when available, particularly useful when packing slips are used as a post-delivery confirmation document. Enable these new variables directly from the Print Preview menu:

We've enabled three new variables that can now be included in CSV spreadsheets before importing orders into EasyRoutes:

  • Stop time: Include this column in your CSV file to automatically assign a time per stop to any imported orders. Numerical values required, value is in minutes.
  • Latitude & Longitude: Include both of these columns in your CSV file to automatically pinpoint a stop's location using precise lat/long values, particularly useful for orders or locations where accurate geolocation is not always reliable. Both latitude and longitude values (in decimal degrees format) are required to set the geolocation for an imported stop. See this Google support article for best practices on accessing and formatting lat/long coordinates.

We've added the ability to mark any routes as Archived, ensuring your Routes Page contains only the routes you still need to work with. Any routes that have been archived will be hidden from view to better organize the Routes Page, but remain fully accessible for future review or record keeping using filter controls.

From the Routes Page, use the checkboxes to select any route(s) you'd like to archive. Click the More actions button from the menu that appears at the bottom of the page, and select Archive routes:

Once archived, routes will no longer display on the Routes Page by default. To review routes that have been archived, click the Add filter button at the top of the Routes Page, and select Archived - this will give you the option to display just Archived routes, just Unarchived routes, or All routes to display both types. When viewing All, routes that have been archived will display with a grey background (see the middle three routes below) to differentiate them from unarchived routes:

Routes can be unarchived by applying the All or Archived filter, then using the checkboxes to select routes for unarchiving. Once selected, click the More actions button from the menu that appears at the bottom of the page, and select Unarchive routes:

We've given EasyRoutes' customer order tracking pages a complete refresh! Our new tracking pages are more informative and visually appealing than ever before, and are designed to display seamlessly across all device types and screen resolutions. Customers can access all their order details - including order status, real-time driver location, and proof of delivery - from our new, easy-to-read card-based tracking page layout:

If you've already modified your order tracking pages to include non-default variables, custom ETA and schedule settings, or localized translations, don't worry! All your customizations will be automatically transferred to the new tracking page layout, and no further action is required to deliver the same outstanding experience your customers already expect, in a spruced up and more user-friendly package.

Customize and preview your customer order tracking pages for all order status events from your EasyRoutes Settings > Order tracking tab.

We've made a number of improvements to the Orders Page layout, making it easier than ever to view, sort and route your imported & saved custom stops alongside any Shopify orders. You'll be prompted to enable new layout settings with a banner the next time you open the Address Book (this prompt can also be dismissed using the close icon on the banner):

You can also manually enable/disable these new layout settings at any time from your EasyRoutes Settings > General tab, by scrolling down to the Address book card of the Orders page options section:

Once enabled, new tabs and controls will appear on the upper right-hand corner of your Orders table, next to the Filter search bar.

  • By default, you'll land on the Orders tab first, containing all orders placed or created via Shopify.
  • Shortcuts to Add a new saved stop, Import a new CSV, or Refresh your Orders table are available using the three icons on the far upper right.
  • Use the checkboxes to select any orders you'd like to route before clicking the Add orders to map button at the bottom of the page:

Navigating to the Saved stops tab will provide quick access to any past stops you've created and saved in the Address Book.

  • The Sort button on the far right can be used to fine-tune the order these stops will be listed in.
  • Stops that have been favourited using the star icon can be set to appear at the top or bottom of the list as shown below; you can also enable/disable the star icon for individual entries directly from this table (immediately beside each stop's selection checkbox), updating which stops are favourited in the Address Book.
  • Use the checkboxes to select any saved stops you'd like to route before clicking the Add to map button at the bottom of the page:

The Import history tab contains a list of all CSV spreadsheets imported into the Address Book in the past. Click the eye icon on any import to access a table of all stops contained in that import:

Use the checkboxes to select any imported orders you'd like to route before clicking the Add to map button at the bottom of the page. After adding orders to the map, click the back arrow + spreadsheet title (highlighted below) to return to the list of imported CSVs:


  • Orders can be selected from one, two, or all three of these new tabs and included on the same route. After orders have been added to the map from one tab, you can navigate to another tab or imported CSV file and continue using the checkboxes and Add to map button to add orders as you go.
  • Orders that have already been added to the map will display with a green checkmark instead of a selection box, as #1049 and #1047 are shown below. Hover over this checkmark and click the new red minus icon to remove it from the map, as #1048 is shown below:

We've added a number of new settings to fine-tune what route information appears in the Dashboard when opening EasyRoutes. Update Dashboard customization options from your EasyRoutes Settings > General tab, within the Dashboard page options section:

  • Use the checkboxes to disable any sections that are not required. By default, all three sections will be enabled.
  • Use the Show up to boxes to increase or decrease how many routes are shown within each section. By default, each section will display 5 routes, but can be configured to display anywhere from 1 to 15 routes.
  • Use the Sort by dropdown to set the order routes will be sorted in all sections - choose from By start time (latest scheduled calendar date/time on top), By created time (most recently created on top), or By last modified time (most recently modified on top). By default, routes will be sorted By created time.
  • Use the Show routes from dropdown to select how far back in time to fetch routes from - choose from increasing intervals from Last 0 days (i.e. within the current day) to Last 90 days. By default, routes will be fetched from Last 7 days.

We've increased the capacity of EasyRoutes' CSV import tool, allowing up to 15 order/stop data CSV files to be imported in a single batch. Before uploading your CSV files to EasyRoutes, ensure that your spreadsheet column titles match across all CSV files to properly parse all order data when importing.

To import multiple CSV files at once, follow the same steps used to import a CSV file, selecting up to 15 files at once to import. Once your columns have been mapped, the number of files to be imported will be listed at the top of the page. Each CSV filename will be listed below the map, with each file's corresponding orders listed below their title. Use the checkboxes to select individual orders and/or entire files to import at once:

Email Notification Templates:

We've added a new Delivery note variable that can be included on any customer notification emails when available, ensuring any additional notes included by drivers when delivering orders are automatically shared with customers via email.  

Customize email notification templates for all delivery status events from your EasyRoutes Settings > Notifications tab, under the Email notifications section.

Route Printing:

We've added a toggle to the Stop notes, Order notes, and Payment status variables when printing a route to configure whether these variables display as a line of text below each order (i.e. consistent with previous app behaviour) or as an independent column for each order. Click the column/text toggle beside each of these variables within the Print Preview menu to see these changes reflected immediately within the printout preview:

Three additional variables (ETA, Drive time, and Stop time) can now be enabled/disabled individually when including the List of stops on your route printouts:

We've also implemented a fix for the Route map displaying incorrectly on printouts under specific circumstances. If your route map isn't displaying correctly for any route printouts, use the Route map checkbox to disable and re-enable this variable from the Print Preview menu to restore the correct map sizing and stop pin data.